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Big Walter Horton (If there is no text below, there are no entries.)

Artist: Big Walter Horton
Username: Chris Marshall
Date: 14-10-2003
Time: 02:29 PM


I love the music of Big Walter,I have loved it since I was a child. His music alway gives me a very special feeling. He was the greatest at what he did,and what he did was played great music.

Artist: Big Walter Horton
Username: Chris Marshall
Date: 14-10-2003
Time: 02:26 PM


I love the music of Big Walter,I have loved it since I was a child. His music alway give me a very special feeling. He was the greatest at what he did,and what he did was played great music.

Artist: Big Walter Horton

Username: Warren S. Barney


Date: 12-06-2003

Time: 03:36 PM




Don't have much to say that hasn't already been said. I listened to Big Walter when I was 15 years old and attending La Jolla High School. Everyone else was obsessed with the Beatles and the Stones. I heard a recording with Muddy Waters on which Big Walter was given credit for the harp. I had just bought a marine band and was trying to figure out how to play it. When I heard Big Walter play, I knew I would never be satisfied until I could make my harp sound something like THAT! So, without trying to sound trite, Big Walter inspired me to play that harp until I couldn't breathe. It's 34 years later and I STILL play that harp and still love Big Walter!