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Valerie Wellington (If there is no text below, there are no entries.)

Artist: Valerie Wellington
Username: Rita Lee
Date: 16-01-2004
Time: 02:31 PM


Baby girl, I miss you, little sister. I loved you from the first time I met you, and always will... we had some times together... yours were way too short, and now you're in the 'arms of the angels'...

Artist: Valerie Wellington
Username: Scott B. Cleator
Date: 28-03-2003
Time: 10:47 AM


I just found this many years after Valerie has left us.I first saw Valerie at the Ivanhoe Theatre in chicago,back in 1982.She was acting then in a musical role as Ma Rainey.Her showstop version of "Blackbottom" was a real crowd pleaser,as was Valerie herself.I then would see Valerie around town in the various clubs doing her blues and she was great.Seeing all the attention that Shameka Copeland is getting now,reminds me of how Valerie's star was steadily rising at the time of her passing. Her work on behalf of all the older blues men and women will always be remembered and appreciated.I miss her and her music,God bless you Valerie,keep em' happy in heaven

Artist: Valerie Wellington
Username: Scott B. Cleator
Date: 28-03-2003
Time: 10:42 AM


I just found this many years after Valerie has left us.I first saw Valerie at the Ivanhoe Theatre in chicago,back in 1982.She was acting then in a musical role as Ma Rainey.Her showstop version of "Blackbottom" was a real crowd pleaser,as was Valerie herself.I then would see Valerie around town in the various clubs doing her blues and she was great.Seeing all the attention that Shameks copeland is getting now,reminds me of how Valerie's star was steadily rising at the time of her passing. Her work on behalf of all the older blues men and women will always be remembered and appreciated.I miss her and her music,God bless you Valerie,keep em' happy in heaven

Artist: Valerie Wellington
Username: Brenda Martinez
