Dead Blues Guys - Go On The Tour

The FRP Directory
Locate the Grave, Headstone or Marker By the Artist's Last Name
- Areturn to top
- Allen, Fulton (Blind Boy Fuller)
- Allison, Luther
- Allman, Duane
- Ammons, Gene
- Anderson, Pinkney "Pink"
- Breturn to top
- Baker, Earnest Leon (King Ernest)
- Big Joe Turner (Turner, Joseph Vernon)
- Blackwell, Scrapper (Francis Hillman Blackwell)
- Blackwell, Francis Hillman (Scrapper Blackwell)
- Blakemore, Amos (Junior Wells)
- Bloomfield, Michael
- Broonzy, William (Big Bill Broonzey)
- Bukka White (White, Booker T. Washington)
- Burnett, Chester Arthur (Howlin' Wolf)
- Burnside, R.L.
- Butler, Clarence
- Butler, Curtis
- Byrd, Henry Roeland (Professor Longhair)
- Creturn to top
- Council, Floyd "Dipper Boy"
- Crayton, Connie Curtis "Pee Wee"
- Crudup, Arthur "Big Boy"
- Dreturn to top
- Davis, Rev. Gary, (Blind Gary Davis)
- Davis, Miles
- Dixon, Willie
- Dorsey, Thomas 'Georgia Tom)
- Ereturn to top
- Ellington, Edward Kennedy "Duke"
- Sims, Frankie Lee
- Freturn to top
- Frost, Frank
- Fuller, Blind Boy (Fulton Allen)
- Greturn to top
- Gallagher, Rory
- Guitar Gabriel (Jones, Robert L.)
- Hreturn to top
- Handy, William Christopher (W.C.)
- Hemphill, Jessie Mae
- Hendrix, Jimi
- Hooker, Earl
- Hooker, John Lee
- Hopkins, Sam Lightnin'
- Horton, "Big" Walter
- House, Eddie James "Son"
- Howlin' Wolf (Chester Arthur Burnett)
- Huff, Luther
- Hurt, "Mississippi" John S.
- Jreturn to top
- Jackson, Melvin "Lil' Son"
- James, Elmore
- James, Nehemiah "Skip"
- Jefferson, "Blind" Lemon
- Johnson, Robert
- Jones, Robert L. (Guitar Gabriel)
- Jordan, Luke
- Kreturn to top
- Kimbrough, David (Junior Kimbrough)
- King, Albert
- King Ernest Baker (Earnest Leon Baker)
- King, Freddie
- Lreturn to top
- Lawlers, Lizzie Douglas (Memphis Minnie)
- LéNoir, JB
- Lewis, Walter (Furry Lewis)
- Lipscomb, Mance
- Little Brother Montgomery (Eurreal, Montgomery)
- Longhair, Professor (Henry Roeland Byrd)
- Mreturn to top
- Maghett, Samuel (Magic Sam)
- Magic Sam (Samuel Maghett)
- McCollum, Robert (Robert Nighthawk)
- McDowell, Fred (Mississippi Fred McDowell)
- McKernan, Ronald C. (Pigpen)
- Memphis Minnie (Lawlers, Lizzie Douglas)
- Miller, Aleck "Rice" (Willie "Sonny Boy" Williamson II)
- Monk, Thelonious
- Montgomery, Eurreal ("Little Brother Montgomery")
- Moore, Alexander Herman (Whistlin' Alex Moore)
- Muddy Waters (McKinley Morganfield)
- Morganfield, McKinley (Muddy Waters)
- Nreturn to top
- Nighthawk, Robert (Robert McCollum)
- Preturn to top
- Patton, Charley
- Parker, Charlie 'Bird'
- Pigpen (McKernan, Ronald C.)
- Pops Saples (Roebuck Staples)
- Professor Longhair (Henry Roeland Byrd)
- Rreturn to top
- Rachell, James (Yank Rachell)
- Rachell, Yank (James Rachell)
- Reed, Jimmy (Mathias James Reed)
- Reed, Mathias James (Jimmy Reed)
- Sreturn to top
- Sam, Magic (Samuel Maghett)
- Smith, Clara
- Spann, Otis
- Staples, Pops Roebuck
- Treturn to top
- Taylor, Theodore (Hound Dog Taylor)
- Thomas, Rufus
- Thornton, Willie Mae "Big Mama"
- Trice, Richard
- Trice, Willie
- Tucker, Luther
- Turner, Joseph Vernon (Big Joe Turner)
- Turner, Otha
- Vreturn to top
- Vaughan, Stephen Ray "Stevie"
- Wreturn to top
- Walker Aaron Thibeaux "T-Bone"
- Wallace, Beulah "Sippie"
- Warren, Robert H. "Baby Boy"
- Waters, Muddy (McKinley Morganfield)
- Wellington, Valerie
- Wells, Junior (Amos Blakemore)
- Whistlin' Alex Moore - Moore, Alexander Herman
- White, Booker T. Washington (Bukka White)
- Williams, Hank Sr.
- Williamson, John Lee (Sonny Boy Williamson I)
- Williamson, Sonny Boy II (Aleck Miller)
- Wolf, Howlin' (Chester Arthur Burnett)
- Cemeteriesreturn to top
- Restvale Cemetery, Worth, IL USA